Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Celebrity Blind Item: Whose Kids Are Turning Against Her?

Blind-Folded-Man17This celebrity blind item is pretty shocking. IF it’s true, then I can see where this celebrity might be a bit upset at her kids. She MADE the kids’ careers! Get the goss after the break.

RELATED: Check out this celebrity blind item and see who’s supposedly cheating on his wife.

February 18, 2015

Which A-list reality star and parent from hell was turned away at a fashion show where her meal tickets were attending? The security guy who did the envious duties never heard such a big f-bomb rant in his life from the parent. More proof that her brood is turning against her, I guess.

Any guesses? Make a guess and then check out the reveal by clicking on “Crazy Days and Nights” below.

RELATED: Here’s another celebrity blind item: which reality TV family is hiding quite a bombshell?

I actually wouldn’t be completely flabbergasted if this one was true. The celebrity “kid” (who really isn’t a kid anymore) has seemed to be doing her best to distance herself from her reality TV roots. She seems to be doing her best to go “mainstream,” and I don’t blame her: she has a shot at a real career! It’s kinda mean not to let her mom in, though. I mean, ultimately, that is her mother.

– Item from Crazy Days and Nights

Celeb Gossip, Celeb News and Celeb Pictures by I’m Not Obsessed

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