I always felt I would do well in beauty pageants. I don’t mean as a contestant, I mean as one of those lurid suggestive judges that questioned the girls in my dressing room as to how I was expected to remember them among their equally talented and hot peers when it came time for judging. Not just anybody can recite those lines with a serious face.
Italian pageant beauty Martina Ramundo followed up her 2014 Italian beauty pageant medals with this fabulous bit of topless dream girl state photographs. Oh, sure, it’s all kinds of Euro in its askance aloof glances and shade of melancholia, but if you can move past the pointless emotions, you’ll feel the primordial tingle of feasting your peeps upon the bare funbags of one passion inducing girl from The Boot. Always look for the simplest answer, and the simplest ogles. That’s Bill’s Razor. Enjoy.
Photo Credit: Fabio Pregnolato La Voce Dell’Eros
Egotastic! The Sexy Side Of Celebrity Gossip
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