Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Last Men on Earth, The Podcast, Get Your Ears On It

I don’t like to pimp too much stuff my own self, unless of course I’m being paid, then I make a Kardashian look like a shy counter girl. But as you know, I’m a big proponent of stuff for guys as there just seems to be less and less these says. I dig the dudes over on as one of these last bastions of male-oriented, smart commentary, and now they have started a weekly podcast called The Last Men on Earth. I like to include myself in that category as I have tons of beer stored for the Apocalypse, but I’m still awaiting my invite.

Check it out on my recommendation. In a day and age when ‘just a regular guy’ is becoming a bad word, it’s nice to know we’re not alone. I mean, we should bring girls along too. I’ve been to those bad college parties with all men. We do not want that future. Enjoy.

Egotastic! The Sexy Side Of Celebrity Gossip

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