Friday, June 12, 2015

Open Post: Hosted By Magneto And Professor X Getting Into Some Kissing Action


Believe it or not, I haven’t read any X-Men gay fan fic, but I have a feeling (and a tingle) that this is how many of them start.

You know how some chicks make out in front of dudes, because it’s hot or whatever? Well, the come-to-life friendship bracelet that is Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart gave us a kissing show at the premiere of Mr. Holmes in London yesterday. You can pretty much hear the crowd shouting, “Now take off your tops!”

That little hand belongs to Sir Patrick’s wife Sunny Ozell, but that little hand is really all of us. We’re all grabbing Sir Ian while asking if we can get in on some of that G-rated Lemon Party fun. No, I don’t want to get between that bromance of all bromances. But I do want Kitty Pryde to grab my head and send my consciousness into the past so that I can watch young Magneto (Michael Fassbender) and young Professor X (James McAvoy) do this while I scream “TONGUE! TONGUE!” over and over again.

Pics: Splash


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