Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Rita Rusic String Bikini For a Sextastic Return of the GILF

GILFtastic Rita Rusic has not been seen in these here ogling parts in some time. The 50-something wunderkind of bikini mama nature was quite routinely prancing about Miami Beach with her boyfriends several decades younger, showing off one almost inexplicably alluring body for a veteran Italian actress and film producer. Then she went away. No note, not a text, carrier pigeon, nothing. Sometimes I wonder if these objects of my lusty affection have any idea how much this hurts, deep down, in the pants area.

Now Rita is back after an extended sabbatical, flashing her bikini body like nary a sextastic celebrity can in their mid 50′s, showing the younger girls a thing or two about the fine art of attraction. Not to mention bikini exhibition and letting the man folk come to you. Oh, how we will come. That only sounds rude. I’d never be impertinent around Rita, lest she spank me, thoroughly and sternly, for being a very bad boy. Welcome back, Rita Rusic. Welcome back my dreams. Enjoy.

Photo Credit: PacificCoastNews

Egotastic! The Sexy Side Of Celebrity Gossip

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