Miley Cyrus is not a young woman you’d immediately put into the shy category. Nor demure or modest or private. Meh, who needs any of those qualities? It takes all kinds to make this sextastic celebrity world go around, including one young pop star willing to flash her bare topless body in nothing but some paint and dirt and one of her pig pet friends.
Paper Magazine is quickly becoming infamous for nude photos of celebrities, including Kim Kardashian, though these photos of Miley Cyrus in her birthday suit seem quite a bit less airbrushed to the nines. We’ve seen Miley’s unclothed body enough now to have some idea of what she looks like under her tiny bits of clothes she often barely wears. This is Miley. These are her funbags and other lady parts. Somedays I just love art. This is one of those days.
Photo Credit: Paper Magazine
Egotastic! The Sexy Side Of Celebrity Gossip
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